Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Making the Right Choices Part #1

Making the Right Choices
Wednesday November 30, 2011
Daniel 1-3

The Context
1:3-7: King ordered that certain young men of the Israelites from the royal family to be brought suitable for instruction in all wisdom, knowledgeable and to teach them the Chaldeans language and literature.

He gave these young men new names:
Daniel (God is my judge): Belteshazzar (Lady protect the king)
Hananiah (The Lord is Gracious): Shadrach (I Am fearful of the God)
Mishael (Who is what God is?): Meshach (I am of Little Account)
Azariah (The Lord has helped Me): Abednego (Servant of the god Nebo)

2:46-49: Appointed these men to manage province of Babylon.

The Journey
3:1-2: King set up an image to symbolize rule the king has over Babylon.

3:3-7: Decree/command issued that all the officials of the province gather for the dedication of the statue and bow down to worship.

3:8-12: Some of the people came to the king to tell him about the ones who he set up to manage the province of Babylon were Jews who do not serve his gods or worship them.

3:13-15: The king was furious and ordered these men to be brought to him. He gave them a choice: bow down and worship this statue or be thrown in the furnace.

3:16-18: These three young men made their decision based only on the promises of the God they serve.

3:19-23: The king in his increased fury ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than before. It was so hot that the four soldiers that took Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to the furnace were all killed.

3:24-30: The king later became alarmed at the sight of not three men, but four men unbound and walking freely in the furnace. The fourth looked like a son of the gods. So he called these men out of the furnace and seeing that the fire had no effect on their bodies or clothes, the king issued a decree to the God of these man that no one say anything offensive to the God that these men risked everything to serve.

Whose voice did S, M, A choose listen to?  Whose voice are you listening to?

What were the consequences that S, M, A faced if they chose not to heed to their God?  What were consequences that they faced if they chose to heed to their God?

What consequences if any have you faced lately b/c of your choices you had to make?
Are there good and bad consequences?

Why do you think most young people choose to not follow God’s commands?

What connections do you see between the Bible study and the drama?

Erin is pressured by Tim to skip school.  How would you
respond to Tim?

The nurse died with regrets.  If you were trading places with the nurse, what would you regret about your spiritual life and relationships?

How did S, M, A stand the test of their faith?
1) They understood the character of God.
(Quote from Ravi Zacharias)

2) They were bold in their faith (3:16-18).

3) They exercised their faith.
(Quote from enemies of the heart)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Book Review: Dug Down Deep

Dug Down Deep, Joshua Harris. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Multnomah Books, 2010, 2011. 271 pages. Reviewed by Russell A. Whitfield.

Joshua Harris has brought fresh insights to the table concerning practical issues that every Christian deals with. In his past writings, as well as Dug Down Deep Harris has again done a thorough job of applying God’s truth to life situations. The book, Dug Down Deep, is a collection of chapters that covers the basics of Christian faith in a relevant, readable, and practical way. The thirteen chapters of Harris’ book are written to provide the reader with the materials needed to deal with the question posed at the beginning. Harris personalizes the parable found in Luke 6:47-48 by asking the question, What are you building your life on? as a way to introduce the basic truths that are crucial for every Christian to build upon. The first two chapters deal with his spiritual journey that led to his understanding the need to know God. He introduces terms such as: theology, orthodoxy, and doctrine, and how they matter to every believer. His next eight chapters focus on the basic truths of the Christian faith such as: God, Scripture, the person of Jesus Christ, the Cross, salvation, justification, sanctification, the Holy Spirit, and the Church with the last chapter titled Humble Orthodoxy.

As senior pastor of Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland of Sovereign Grace network, Harris has interwoven his personal experiences from being the average church kid to the person he is now who aims to truly know God with the basic truths of Orthodox Christianity. Harris recognizes that his focus in his own youth group experiences was not leading him to the clear vision of God and His awesome Word. The experiences of Harris’ younger ages have been used in his life to help him understand that everyone who thinks of God is a theologian, but not necessarily a good theologian.

Dug Down Deep aligns life experiences of the author’s path to spiritual maturity with the basic tenets of the Christian faith. The first two chapters talk about his spiritual journey from just being a church kid to realizing his need to truly know God. In the first chapter, Harris says, We are all theologians and theology matters. He shares about a time in his youth group when he was asked to do a Michael Jackson impersonation to illustrate the point that no matter what we are doing, we are all theologians good or bad. His experiences as a teenager have confirmed in him the importance of orthodox theology because if we get it wrong, then our whole life will be wrong. Next in chapter two, Harris reminds the reader that the wise builder was motivated to set his foundation deep on the rock. The motivation of the wiser builder, according to Harris, is set to remind every believer that pursuing orthodoxy and sound doctrine has to begin with a heart drawing close to Jesus(the ROCK)--not to a theological system, denomination, or book. The next eight chapters deal with the basic tenets of Christianity individually along with Harris’ personal experiences carefully woven into the pages for better understanding. These basic tenets of the Christian faith are: God, the person of Jesus Christ, the Cross, salvation, sanctification, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. The last chapter titled, Humble Orthodoxy, focuses on what he saw as important for every believer who is either new to the study of theology or been studying theology for awhile. According to Harris, each believer must ask the question: what will we do with the knowledge of God that we have? He has written this chapter with the understanding that Christians must approach the theological knowledge they have with the attitude of living it out.

Dug Down Deep, in my opinion, is a Christian theology book written in the most practical way for every believer young or old to understand. Harris has thoroughly crafted a work that informs its reader of the basic tenets of the Christian faith, as well as challenges them to become individual theologians. The humor and personal experiences expressed in each chapter has strengthen the believability and relevance of each doctrine discussed.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Strengthen What Remains

The Gathering
Wednesday November 2, 2011
“Staying watchful”

Revelation 3:1-6
Theme Verse: Revelation 1:19
Author: John

Background of city of Sardis:
1) Famous for its red dye and woolen goods.
2) Known for its immorality.
3) Received no commendation from the Lord.
4) They were recognized for its reputation of being alive

“The church of Sardis was in the period of the Reformation era, which was Martin Luther’s attempt to reform the Roman church. The Reformation church held strong orthodox doctrines.”

How do we “strengthen what remains” as Christians:
1) Don’t let the world catch us off guard
(1 Corinthians 16:13; 2 Corinthians 11:1-4)
          -“Be Alert”

2) Remember what you have received and heard
(2 Timothy 2:2; 2 Timothy 1:4)
3) God will honor the name of the true believer (v. 4)
He will take notice of the smallest number of those who abide with him…
4) Is your name written down?
-God will remember & honor the name of the faithful and chosen believer
-God will blot all who claim to have a name but do not

1) Need examine your Spiritual Life
2) Need to understand true Repentance
3) Need to be not caught off guard

Who holds the keys of hell and death and determines the destinies of nations and individuals (Psalms 9:16; Acts 17:31).

Questions you have to answer yourself?

Are focused on your walk with God?
When the music is silent, what remains true?
Have you been caught off guard?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Stay focused to God's Truth or you will be corrupted

The Gathering
Wednesday October 25, 2011
“Stay focused to God’s Truth or
you will be corrupted”

Revelation 2:18-29
Theme Verse: Revelation 1:19
Author: John

Background: This book was intended to encourage Christians through the centuries, especially the Christians in the 1-3 centuries who faced the fiercest of persecution for their faith (death, homeless, etc). In the midst of these fierce persecutions, God had John write a letter to encourage all who read and give a better understanding of His plans.

Things which are
Church Age

Background of city of Thyatira:
-1) Home place of Lydia, Paul’s first convert in Philippi
-2) Purple cloth was the cities major product
-3) Recognized for its trade guilds (Practiced idolatry)
-4) Belief that it was dangerous to read a Bible individually
-5) Thyatira actually taught false doctrines by church leaders v. Pergamos only allowed it to sink in the church
-6) Permitting “Jezebel” to institute Baal worship
(i.e. 1 Kings 16; 2 King 9)

“The church of Thyatira was a period of that emphasized the danger for individuals to have a Bible, or anyone to read the Bible to them, and that only the priests were capable of properly interpreting the Bible. Thus the church leaders ruled over the people in all spiritual matters, locking the people into spiritual darkness (Nicolaitans: clergy rule).”
--Abeka; p. 28

How do we as Christians stay focused on the Truth:
1) Don’t let the world catch us off guard
(1 Corinthians 16:13; 2 Corinthians 11:1-4)

2) No compromise
(2:20-22; 1 Corinthians 11:30)
          -World’s Morality v. God’s Moral Law

…the downfall of this corrupt movement in the church will be a wake-up for the morally lax in all the churches who hear about it…

3) Understand the source of Real Truth
          -Jesus claimed to be Truth (John 14:6)
          -The Word of God is Truth (John 17:17)
          (Psalm 117:2; 119:43; 142; 151; 160)
                   -Test of the truthfulness of the Bible
                   -Opinions come and go
1) Need to meditate God’s Truth (Psalm 119:15; Joshua 1:8)
2) Need to understand how serious sin is
3) Need to understand that Truth is a person

Who holds the keys of hell and death and determines the destinies of nations and individuals (Psalms 9:16; Acts 17:31).

Questions you have to answer yourself?

Do you believe in God’s Absolute Truth?
Are you becoming convicted by God’s
 wonderful Truth each day?
Have you compromised your faith this
week or week’s past?

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Staying faithful

The Gathering
Wednesday October 19, 2011
“Staying faithful to Christ”

Revelation 2:12-17
Theme Verse: Revelation 1:19
Author: John

Background: This book was intended to encourage Christians through the centuries, especially the Christians in the 1-3 centuries who faced the fiercest of persecution for their faith (death, homeless, etc). In the midst of these fierce persecutions, God had John write a letter to encourage all who read and give a better understanding of His plans.

Things which are
Church Age

Background of city of Pergamum:
-1) Known for the second largest library of the world
-2) Provincial capital of Asia
-3) First city to erect temples in honor of leaders and gods
-4) One of the gods was of “healing”
-5) It during the time of Constantine of no persecution
-6) Devoted to emperor worship, as noted above
-7) Two major doctrines indentified here: Balaam & Nicolaitans    

“Pergamos was in a time of no persecution, in fact it was in a time of being united with political power. It literally means “married to power”, which caused the worldly leaders of the Pergamos church to exalt themselves above the common people and to substitute man’s teachings for the Word of God.”
--Abeka Book

How do we as Christians remain faithful:
1) Understand God’s omniscience (v. 13)
          --He knows where you are at
          --He knows what you are experiencing
          --He knows your faithfulness (Gal. 6:9)

2) Be careful not to compromise with the world
(Balaamism) 1 Peter 2:11-12; Romans 12:2
          --You must refuse to commune with idols
          1 Cor. 10:14-22   
--You must separate yourselves from worldly practices
--You must stand against Satan’s authority
3) Call to repent and turn from the worldly worship

1) Need to give God our all in worship.
2) Need to call others to repentance that may be pulled away.
3) Need to worship God and not a person.

Who holds the keys of hell and death and determines the destinies of nations and individuals (Psalms 9:16; Acts 17:31).

Questions you have to answer yourself?

Is following God worth losing everything?
Is God calling you to repent of your worship?
What compromises, if any, have you made in your worship?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Friday October 14

I woke this morning quoting to Micah and Luke a passage from Lamentations 3:22-25. God's mercies and faithful love are new every morning. It is a great hope we can rest in. Everyday we can wake up with a fresh thought about how each day brings new things for us.

Yesterday we were told that Jonah could go home, but we decided to wait one more night being that he had only one day on the floor. Last night there was one irregular heart beat the whole night, and after some check this morning the specialist sees no major alarm. They will be hooking us up with a 24-hour monitor at his first follow-up visit. The one thing we must remember is that God is the ultimate physician that gives our medical techs the expertise. He is in charge. He gives us new mercies and fresh hope each day.

Today we are heading home to begin the road of recovery. God has a plan for Jonah and our family that will give us hope not to destroy us. A God-ward focus has to be the foremost thought of our lives.

Moving forward to Christ.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Praise Report 10/12/11

God has shown us his power through the prayer of many for the surgeons, nurses, and Jonah. Today the day cardiologist was talking to us as well as others how it is not likely that wires and meds come down this quick after such an extensive surgery. All I can do is reply "Go God".

We came this morning at 8:00am to find more lines pulled out and a great report from last night. God does hear the prayers of the righteous, and chooses to answer according to His awesome will. It is an awesome thing to have a place to serve the Lord in ministry that has such a high view of prayer as Shell Point Baptist. Don't ever be afraid to ask God for anything. He will hear and answer according to His good purposes.

We are now waiting for a bed on the floor to open up so that he can move from ICU.


Wednesday October 12

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. 
"They are plans for good and for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."
Jeremiah 29:11

In these verses God had remembered His covenant made in Deut. 30:1-10 for the restoration of the people of Judah, and was not going to terminate it. God had a plan for Judah, and most definitely has a plan for Jonah and our family. 

I have claimed this verse many of times in my life, but this week I claim it for Jonah. God does have a plan for this young boy. I count it a awesome privilege to be called his earthly father. I can't wait to see how this verse plays out for my family and as well as for Jonah. 

Through out the disappointments my family have experienced in some of our ministry experiences, we have maintain focus on what we believe God has called us to. We can't change the way people have thought or behaved, but we can rely on the One who has this wonderful plan for our lives. I don't know what God has for Jonah, but I am confident that it is just what He has planned for him at conception. I hold that same hope for the rest of my children and family. God is good.

We can only pray that we all remain obedient to the voice of God and keep His commandments from His Word. The promise is the wonderful deliverance of His awesome plan for our lives. It is my prayer that my family seek to follow the Lord our God with all their heart and soul.

Do we really crave for God's blessing on our lives as well as our families? Are we seeking with all our heart, soul, and mind for these blessings? The Bible says that it will come if we only obey and keep what is written in His wonderful word (Deut. 30:10).

Pressing On,


Monday, October 10, 2011

Jonah's Surgery

A close friend of mine spoke to me a while back about spending time with your boys as a priority. I have thought  about more than ever in the past months. Precious time with family is valuable. Jonah has had so many from SC & NC praying for him as he goes through this. Luke, his older brother, does not want to go to school tomorrow. He told me that he wanted to be here with Jonah. I understand that and appreciate that.

A passage I am claiming this time is found in Isaiah 40:29-31. We are told who gives us strength and who renew our strength. God is moving through the doctors.

Jonah's Surgery

It is one more hard thing to let your little one go into the hands of the creator God as he is in surgery. I know the great physician is there holding the hands of the the doctors. Even as I type this short blog, I am confident in prayer of the almighty Creator working a miracle on our little son Jonah. This is such an ordeal for him to go through at such an early age. I am prayerful that what the surgeon had wanted to do is going to come about. I can picture Jonah going to his room to read or running around with our dog "Packer".

God please touch Jonah's heart and the surgeons hands right now as they are beginning the surgery at 10:46am. I know he wants to be with his brothers playing and laughing. You can heal him of this. Thank you for hearing all these prayers. We love you Jesus.

Russell Whitfield

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Have you lost your first love?

The Gathering
Wednesday September 28, 2011
“Have you lost your first love?”

Revelation 2:1-7
Theme Verse: Revelation 1:19
Author: John

Background: This book was intended to encourage Christians through the centuries, especially the Christians in the 1-3 centuries who faced the fiercest of persecution for their faith (death, homeless, etc). In the midst of these fierce persecutions, God had John write a letter to encourage all who read and give a better understanding of His plans.

Things which are
Church Age

Background of city of Ephesus:
-1) Largest city (approx. 25000)
-2) Important for commercial center and great seaport
-3) Known for their devotion to the cult Artemis (Latin: Diana) (Acts 19:28)
-4) Church known for their works, faithfulness to sound doctrine, labor…
-5) Begin on Paul’s third missionary people turned from sorcery to Christ.
-6) Their motives gradually moved from love to duty
-7) Repent and turn to their first love.    

“The church of Ephesus was described as the typical church of the first century.”

Two fold purpose for this letter:
1) Christ’s commendation
          -Intolerance to the wrong teaching

2) Christ’s warning
          -To “return to its first love”

No amount of religious ceremony, labor, or loyalty can make up for a lack of Christian love.
(1 Cor. 13:2-3; Matthew 22:37-40)

          -Motives shifted from love to duty
-God will remove the witness if they don’t repent

1) Need of a daily walk with God in a vibrant, live-giving relationship, confessing sin, finding guidance in Him.
2) The difference this love for God makes in our lives
3) The severity of the problem of losing our love for Christ.

Who holds the keys of hell and death and determines the destinies of nations and individuals (Psalms 9:16; Acts 17:31).

How about you?

Have you lost your connection with God?
Is there sin blocking your love?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Encouragement in the midst of persecution

The Gathering
Wednesday September 21, 2011
“A Book of Comfort”

Revelation 1
Theme Verse: Revelation 1:19
Author: John

Background: John, who also wrote John the gospel, 1,2,3 John, was exiled on the isle of Patmos for fear of the spread of Christianity by the Romans (Domitian).

This book was intended to encourage Christians through the centuries, especially the Christians in the 1-3 centuries who faced the fiercest of persecution for their faith (death, homeless, etc). In the midst of these fierce persecutions, God had John write a letter to encourage all who read and give a better understanding of His plans.

See Revelation 1:3

What about the author: The same John that wrote the gospel, and 1,2,3, John. He is 90 years old. He considered himself a fellow partaker, in the tribulation because of the word of the God and testimony of Jesus.

He was exiled as part of a grandeur scheme to discourage Christianity. What are some things that have happened to discourage Christianity?

The best thing about John was that he felt no bitterness towards his persecutors; rather love for his Lord and a passion to serve Him.

Do we embody that same love and passion that drives us?

“History has proven that persecution (whether physical torture or mental torture) has makes Christians stronger in their love for the Lord and their faith!”

Book itself:
An Epistle (1:1-3)
            --to a particular group of Christians
            --addressing a specific need at the time
How does the epistle different from John’s other epistles?
--1) It is a book of prophecy (function of prophecy 1 Corinthians 14:3)
“edification, encouragement, and comfort of men”
            --2) It is an apocalyptic literature
“apocalypsis” is a Greek word meaning “revelation”
It means disclosure or unveiling of Jesus Christ and future events.
Prophetic book written “to show the things which will shortly come to pass.”

Written by God and carry the authority of the triune God.

As a theme verse (1:19), John is told to write “what has been, what is, and what is to come”.

John describes Jesus as the faithful witness that has set us free from our sins and mad us a kingdom. He announced Jesus’ coming to judge the world, and recognized Jesus as the Alpha and Omega, the eternal and almighty Lord.

Visions of John
            --1) Jesus standing in the midst of the candlesticks
            Jesus is ever present “in the midst” of the church
            --2) Seven golden candlesticks
                        --Seven Churches
                        --The churches are sources of light
            --3) Seven stars in Jesus’ hand
                        --Angels or messengers or pastors (Daniel 12:3)
            --4) Jesus in a robe
                        --Clothing typical of a judge or king
                        --Hair pure white as the Ancient of days
                        --Sword coming from his mouth
(Hebrews 4:12)
            **The number seven, being the number completeness, highly suggest that the message to the seven churches is applicable to the total church throughout the world.
            **Jesus stands among His churches to give His people light to shine in a dark, sin-cursed earth.

He holds the keys of hell and death and determines the destinies of nations and individuals (Psalms 9:16; Acts 17:31).
How about you?

Do you need encouragement to stand for Christ?
Have you not understood His wonderful plan?
Do you need to be comforted?