The Bible gives some thoughts that pertain to changes we as believersmake as we grow spiritually during our lives. In Romans 12:2, we are told to be "transformed by the renewing of our minds." Our thinking should be changing and coming closer to God's perfect will the more we study and understand His true Word.
Amoebas, we are told, move around in what is called a "swarm" meaning together. They unattached themselves from whatever they were attached and float around together until they find another place to attach to. This same Amoebic activity should become the foundation of our Christian communities. As we connect ourselves to Christian community, we will find ourselves becoming stronger, more developed disciples of Jesus.
D-Groups on Sunday Nights at 5pm have taken this same idea and placed it into a spiritual context. As we come to do life together in Christian community, there should be a type of "Amoebic" activity in our individual small groups. Just as an "Amoeba" can reproduce by splitting in half to form two identical amoebas, our D-Groups should have the end result of individuals going out to produce disciples identically to what we know and have experienced to be true Christians.

It is evident that we have a lack of "Amoebic" activity in our ministries. True "Amoebic" activity in our small groups will result in reproducing ourselves (our belief system, faith, love...) in another person. Let's be about some Amoebic activity in our small groups.
It is my prayer that these D-Groups will put students on the pathway toward reproducing their Christian character in others they meet and know in their world.