The Gathering
Wednesday October 25,
“Stay focused to
God’s Truth or
you will be corrupted”
Verse: Revelation
Author: John
Background: This book was intended to encourage Christians
through the centuries, especially the Christians in the 1-3 centuries who faced
the fiercest of persecution for their faith (death, homeless, etc). In the
midst of these fierce persecutions, God had John write a letter to encourage all who read and give a better
understanding of His plans.
Things which are
Church Age
of city of Thyatira :
-1) Home place of Lydia , Paul’s first convert in Philippi
-2) Purple cloth was the cities major
-3) Recognized for its trade guilds
(Practiced idolatry)
-4) Belief that it was dangerous to read
a Bible individually
-5) Thyatira actually taught false
doctrines by church leaders v. Pergamos only allowed it to sink in the church
-6) Permitting “Jezebel” to institute
Baal worship
(i.e. 1 Kings 16; 2 King 9)
church of Thyatira was a period of that emphasized
the danger for individuals to have a Bible, or anyone to read the Bible to
them, and that only the priests were capable of properly interpreting the
Bible. Thus the church leaders ruled over the people in all spiritual matters,
locking the people into spiritual darkness (Nicolaitans: clergy rule).”
p. 28
How do we
as Christians stay focused on the Truth:
1) Don’t let the world
catch us off guard
(1 Corinthians 16:13; 2
Corinthians 11:1-4)
2) No compromise
(2:20-22; 1 Corinthians
-World’s Morality v. God’s Moral Law
…the downfall of this
corrupt movement in the church will be a wake-up for the morally lax in all the
churches who hear about it…
3) Understand the source
of Real Truth
-Jesus claimed to be Truth (John 14:6)
-The Word of God is Truth (John 17:17)
(Psalm 117:2; 119:43; 142; 151; 160)
-Test of the truthfulness of the Bible
-Opinions come and go
1) Need to meditate
God’s Truth (Psalm 119:15; Joshua 1:8)
2) Need to understand how
serious sin is
3) Need to understand
that Truth is a person
holds the keys of hell and death and determines the destinies of nations and
individuals (Psalms 9:16; Acts 17:31).
you have to answer yourself?
you believe in God’s Absolute Truth?
you becoming convicted by God’s
wonderful Truth each day?
you compromised your faith this
or week’s past?