Monday, June 13, 2011

Week of Champions 2011

I still remain impressed by the Week of Champions that is unique to the Low Country of South Carolina. We heard from a coach in the upstate, Dabo Swinney, tonight. He spoke about how God has led his life through the ups and downs of life. Dabo gave us three fundamentals to live by: 1) Keep your eyes on the Lord no matter what happens, 2) Believe in yourself as God is leading it, 3) You can't quit no matter what. These three fundamentals speak volumes of how we as Christians are to be in everyday life.

One of Swinney's favorite sayings on the field is "All In...", which asks the question of those whether or not they are "All In" for the Lord. Swinney told us his personal story, and how things did not go as he had planned them neither. As he quoted scriptures like Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 37:4-5, one began to get a glimpse of his single mission and focus for life. He refused to let anything get in the way after he completely gave his life to God.

I applaud him and other coaches that use their platforms to give God the honor that He finally deserves. All night Swinney seemed to reiterate it is not about himself or us, but the Creator God our Father.

"Everything great in Dabo's life has come from adversity."

Were all under warranty with an eternal contract."

"All In"

If you were not there, you missed a blessing and encouragement to not quit when the going gets tough. Press on!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Who is a Good Servant of Jesus Christ?

‎412 Uth Don't forget we are going to have a short study from 1 Timothy and then have some hotdogs and an outdoor movie. Happy last day of School. Love you!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christianity and Liberalism Note

This is from a review I read on this book. How relevant for us today?

The Christian religion which is meant is certainly not the religion of the modern liberal Church, but a message of divine grace, almost forgotten now, as it was in the middle ages, but destined to burst forth once more in God’s good time, in a new Reformation, and bring light and freedom to mankind. What that message is can be made clear, as is the case with all definition, only by way of exclusion, by way of contrast. In setting forth the current liberalism, now almost dominant in the Church, over against Christianity, we are animated, therefore, by no merely negative or polemic purpose; on the contrary, by showing what Christianity is not we hope to be able to show what Christianity is, in order that men may be led to turn from the weak and beggarly elements and have recourse again to the grace of God. --Tim Challies

We need to be about the true faith, which is of divine grace and how it fits into God's great redemption plan. Christians need to be about showing what Christianity is not in order to lead people to understand God's wonderful and matchless grace.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Power of Demonic Influence

Power of Demonic Influence
1 Timothy 4:1-5

            Paul is giving his attention now to opposing elements
            Paul is addressing the heresy and apostasy taking place in the Ephesus church
          Apostasy is predictable and Satan stands behind it when it occurs

The Christian life is certainly not free of tension. If it were, the triumphant note just sounded in 3:16 might have concluded tidily with "and they lived happily ever after." However, though at times we might wish for it, this life is not a fairy tale, and that sort of ending must be left till the end (Rev 21:4). There it is fitting, but now it is a matter of hope. The biblical picture of the Christian life in this present age, confirmed by a long span of church history, is one of struggle and steady opposition. It is not that there is no joy and peace for the Christian, but that until Christ returns, joy and peace are found within the believer and within Christian fellowship, often in stark contrast to the actual circumstances of life.
IVP NT Commentaries

Let’s unpack this quote:
           Christian life is not free of trials
           The one that brings opposition is Satan’s very own
           True joy and peace is found in “True Believers” as well as “True Christian Fellowship”

A few things to be noticed about the demonic apostasy:
·         Apostasy is the act of rebelling, forsaking, abandoning, or falling away from what one has believed (Several views about an apostate)
o    True believers may stray, but never fall away
o    Those that fall away, were never really saved (John 6:66; Judas)
o    A belief for a while does not necessarily equate true regeneration
o    That believers maintain the freedom to reject God’s salvation
         Satan is at the root of all opposition, aiming to lead those astray
·         It is certain that we will encounter “deceiving spirits and things taught by demons” (2 Cor. 11:15; 2 Cor. 11:3 (aim to corrupt from a complete and pure devotion to Christ); 4:4)
          This encounter is a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:12)
           The apostasy should not surprise us
            The Spirit in v. 1 is God
           The Spirit’s predictions were clearly told
           The false teachers or demonic influences were uncertain and doubtful
           Not all are carried away from their faith (only those who are not truly saved)
            These seducers and deceivers pretend they come from God
·         “Men must be hardened, and their consciences seared, before they can depart from the faith, and draw in others to side with them.” Matthew Henry
           A sign of departure from faith is when they will command what God has forbidden, forbid what God has allowed or commanded, such as marriage and meats.

For Paul the conscience is the faculty of decision. It enables the believer to proceed from the faith, the vertical dimension of belief and knowledge, to the corresponding horizontal activity of godly behavior (see on 1:5). The false teachers had lost the ability to make such decisions effectively--since their concept of the faith was distorted, their ideas about godly living were equally distorted.

So What?
            Engage in the spiritual battle against sin and Satan (Eph. 6:10-17)
            Find Strength to fight this spiritual battle only through a vital relationship with Christ
            Stand firm in what you believe (Acts 24:16; 1 Cor. 16:13-14)
            True conviction of sin is evidence that one has not fallen
            Desire for God’s redemption plan reveals “True Belief” (Psalm 37:3-4)
           What God has created should not be rejected
o    Made holy by His Word (Matthew 4:4)
o    Made holy through Prayer
             Be confident in the grace and mercy of God

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:44-45