Monday, June 13, 2011

Week of Champions 2011

I still remain impressed by the Week of Champions that is unique to the Low Country of South Carolina. We heard from a coach in the upstate, Dabo Swinney, tonight. He spoke about how God has led his life through the ups and downs of life. Dabo gave us three fundamentals to live by: 1) Keep your eyes on the Lord no matter what happens, 2) Believe in yourself as God is leading it, 3) You can't quit no matter what. These three fundamentals speak volumes of how we as Christians are to be in everyday life.

One of Swinney's favorite sayings on the field is "All In...", which asks the question of those whether or not they are "All In" for the Lord. Swinney told us his personal story, and how things did not go as he had planned them neither. As he quoted scriptures like Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 37:4-5, one began to get a glimpse of his single mission and focus for life. He refused to let anything get in the way after he completely gave his life to God.

I applaud him and other coaches that use their platforms to give God the honor that He finally deserves. All night Swinney seemed to reiterate it is not about himself or us, but the Creator God our Father.

"Everything great in Dabo's life has come from adversity."

Were all under warranty with an eternal contract."

"All In"

If you were not there, you missed a blessing and encouragement to not quit when the going gets tough. Press on!!

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